• Process Optimisation

Growing Pains

When an emergency phone call is made to the police or ambulance, there is an expectation that the process of sending the help needed is optimised. Process inefficiency in this example could literally be the difference between life and death.

Most businesses don’t face these life and death consequences, however inefficient processes can:

  • Increase the cost of performing a function
  • Result in customer dissatisfaction from delays
  • Cause customers to purchase products from more efficient competitors
  • Increase the probability of processing errors

Inefficiency is waste. Waste is a by-product of a process that is considered useless and of no value. By applying a suitable methodology for eliminating this waste, businesses can save money and deliver improved service to customers

Our consultants have assisted a number of clients make their processes leaner. If you would like to discuss ways that we can help you save money and deliver improved service to your customers, then please contact us.